
Clap de fin

Publié le 2023-06-30

At the end of each season, the same key moment occur. From the coronation of the champions, to a fortunate rise, or a difficult relegation, a small handful of players have a regular appointment: retirement. It's time to say goodbye to the team, the fans and the pitch.

Clap de fin looks back at the careers of five players whose qualities and longevity have left their mark on French rugby. This summer, the "Clap de fin" selection gives you access to some of the great moments in the careers of six emblematic players in French rugby.

2022/2023 was their last season, find Clap de fin on LegendaryPlays.com‍

Mathieu Bastareaud

To be discovered on LegendaryPlays.com from 3 to 24 July 

The bulldozer of French rugby, Mathieu Bastareaud, ended his career on 16 July 2023. His imposing physique and powerful game shook the opposing defences tremble. Discover the moments when he destroyed everything in his path.


Romain Sazy

Available on LegendaryPlays.com from 10/07

La Rochelle's iconic captain, Romain Sazy, said farewell to rugby on 20 August 2023. His unwavering determination propelled his team to the top. Discover his moments of bravery that electrified the crowds.


Rémi Lamerat

Available on LegendaryPlays.com from 24 July.

Masterful centre Rémi Lamerat retired on 5 August 2023. His visionary play and impeccable technique made him a true master of attack. Discover his moments of genius that left their mark on French rugby.


Sergio Parisse

Available from 31 July on LegendaryPlays.com

Legendary No. 8 Sergio Parisse played his last match on 12 August 2023. His leadership on the field and his vision of the game made him an icon of French rugby. Dive into the legacy he leaves behind.


Morgan Parra

Available on LegendaryPlays.com from 07 August

Exceptional scrum-half Morgan Parra has announced his retirement on 27 August 2023. His tactical intelligence and surgical precision on foot have made him a master of the game. Immerse yourself in the captivating world of this outstanding player.



Pierre Largemain is what is sometimes called "a fundamentalist". Rugby? He's been playing, watching and talking about it for nearly 30 years. And sometimes he even dreams about it at night. Dreams full of skipped passes, split passes, disintegrating tackles and last-second drop kicks in the World Cup final. Pierre has agreed to share his most precious memories with us. And sometimes even to recount those of others.

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